Colon Hydrotherapy is offered only at the Oldsmar Location
13968 W Hillsborough Ave Tampa FL 33624
Open Weekends
How the digestive systems works
The human digestive track is tube about 30 feet long that begins with the mouth and ends with anus. Digestion is the process of converting food into chemicals substances that can be absorbed and assimilated. It begins in the mouth and ends in the large intestine/colon.
The stomach and small intestine
The primary role of the stomach and small intestine is to break down and absorb nutrition from your food. This is done through mechanical and chemical processes, including chewing and churning, and the release of acids and enzymes. By the time the mixture leaves the small intestine, your body has absorbed 95% of the available nutrients.
The large intestine (colon)
The last organ through which the food residue passes is the colon or large intestine. The liquid and nutrition are absorbed through the intestinal wall collected by the blood vessels in the wall lining and carried to the liver through the portal vein for filtration. Also, secretes bicarbonate to naturalize acid end products, stores waste products, bacteria and intestinal gas and secretes poisons and waste products from the body.
Digestive problems
The normal transit time for food is around 24 hours, and you should move your bowels at least once a day. Problems occur when the transit time is either too fast, causing diarrhea, or too slow, causing constipation or bloating. This can be caused by poor diet, disease or infections, as well as by lifestyle factors such as lack of exercise, irregular eating and missing meals. Colonics are a great way of encouraging your colon to work normally again, while your therapist encourages you to reconnect with your body and make the changes you need to avoid future problems.
The gut and the mind
As well as physical causes, digestive problems can also be the result of stress and emotional issues. There is a strong link between the gut and the mind, which is seen in our everyday language in phrases such as ‘butterflies in the stomach’ or ‘stomach in knots’, which reflect the way our state of mind can adversely affect our normal digestion. As part of your consultation, your therapist will often talk through any external factors that could be affecting your internal processes.